The Delicate Lodge Vision Quest
Sunday through Saturday, August 8 – 14, 2021
Potter’s Farm, Wisconsin
How deep are you willing to go to emerge with your most potent Vision?
Paula has been sanctioned after 20 years of training in this powerful transformational Journey Shield Ceremony which begins when you claim 1 of only 5 remaining spaces. Respectful, empowering guidance provided throughout your experience, from your preparation and throughout your 5 day intensive out on the land. Continuing Education credits for this experience are the kind only you can give to yourself.
What has your life uniquely prepared you to know, to be and to do?
In this extraordinary time of change, this is a question we might all ask.
What is my Spirit calling me to express?
The Delicate Lodge is a metaphor for our consciousness. How do we tend this Delicate Lodge we have been given? Life has prepared you to be uniquely YOU. The Vision Quest is a traditional and transformational experience in and with Nature, allowing the opportunity for deep healing, for powerful releasing, listening and remembering; for perceiving through the veil of Life’s mystery to clearly vision and claim one’s sacred purpose. Many cultures close to the Mother Earth around the world have their own unique version of the vision quest. This particular one, for most participants, may take the form of the Journey Shield Ceremony and comes to us through the Delicate Lodge tradition. We cannot BE what we cannot SEE!
It is a precious and healing gift to honor one’s life journey with this ceremony. There are some who dedicate themselves to this experience every 7 years for renewal and expansion of life purpose. Some are called when one chapter of life has ended, and the next steps are not clear. The call may come as a question: “Who am I now, what am I here to do and to be?” It consists of five days in personal ceremony with the Mother Earth and all of Nature. Each Seeker is supported through daily guidance with great respect and care. The direct connection between the Seeker’s yearning and Nature brings forth the mystery of transformation.
The ceremony is tailored to each participant’s needs, beginning with a conversation about intentions, and a preparation process to be disclosed once you claim your space. It is a healing and transformational experience. No two are ever quite the same. Your ceremony’s design will begin as you share what is compelling you into this powerful ceremony at this time.
Requirements: Emotional stability and maturity to withstand being mostly alone in one campsite while following gentle guidance through this period of time. Also needed: Openness, curiosity, trust, and courage to be in a powerful inquiry with yourself and Life.
The Vision Quest is the perfect deep Medicine Ceremony for our pandemic times. Each person will be safe, socially distanced, yet in intimate connection with Nature. It is more important than ever to release old assumptions about our purpose and how to use our gifts. This deep pause that we have been given, amplified by the solitude and deep communion with Nature in a Vision Quest, supports us to release the former “normalcy” of our lives and opens space for the extraordinary to be revealed.
Seekers will be guided daily by Paula DancingEagle Coyne, 23 years on this path; a Psychologist, Meditation and Yoga Teacher, and sanctioned in this Delicate Lodge tradition as a Teacher and Vision Quest Guide having been trained by WhiteEagleWoman, Rainbow Hawk and WindEagle.
Duration: 6 nights
Arrival Day: Sunday, August 8, 2021
Arrival time: 4:00 pm
Enter: Vision Quest Monday morning. Receive daily guidance in your process (and lovely organic nourishment).
Emerge: Emerge from Vision Quest 5 days later, Friday, August 13, with time for Integration prior to leaving the land on day 6, Saturday, August 14.
Cost: $2,650
Capacity: 6

Paula Coyne, MA, LP, RYT, Ceremonial Leader on the Inca Trail. “Tell me- What is it you intend to do with your one wild and precious life?” Mary Oliver
Potter’s Farm Retreat Center
75900 Potter’s Farm Road
Washburn, WI 54891
See Potter’s Farm website for more FAQs about this powerful, guided solo ceremony of Vision Quest.
Included: 6 nights lodging, delicious organic food, all ceremonial supplies and exquisitely compassionate and supportive preparatory and daily guidance throughout.
If you are yearning for the personal ceremony of Vision Quest:
Have additional questions? Contact Paula Dancing Eagle Coyne
[email protected]
“Don’t ask what the world needs, seek into what makes you come alive.
Because what the world needs now are people who have come fully alive!” Thurman