QOYA Embodied Movement Practices

What is QOYA?

Rochelle Schieck, from Minnesota, originated this movement practice particularly for women after  years of dancing, teaching yoga and studying earth wisdom traditions. Qoya is based on the idea that it is through movement that we remember that our true essence is wise, wild and free. I love that there is no way to do any of it wrong. It doesn't matter what it looks like. It's only about finding a way for movements to feel good or true for YOU.

I came to embrace Qoya while seeking more embodiment and freedom in my own spiritual practice and life. Our culture tends to be skewed toward the cognitive, emphasizing brain mind knowing at the expense of other aspects of awareness. Qoya emphasizes feeling more than thinking.

I want to DANCE and to feel more! I love tapping into my wise, wild and free nature! Especially when there is no way I can do it wrong.

My experience as a trauma therapist, as a transformational guide and mindfulness teacher, also drew me to Qoya because of these research and experience-based truths:

  • It is through conscious embodiment that we transform and heal trauma.
  • The body holds all of our stories.
  • The body never lies.
  • The body is always trying to move us toward greater vitality and wellness.
  • The body is never wrong.

If we listen to our body, it will show us the way.



Each Qoya class has the same structure, while each class has a unique theme. Evocative music and songs are chosen to support the theme. You'll receive a warm welcome, a chance to calm down and settle into relaxation, and then we'll move through a series of movement practices to explore the theme. The idea is that we will take on the theme of the class as a dance partner, each of us in our own unique way.

For example, if the theme of the session is "FREEDOM", the playlist and movements will support our exploration of feeling free in the body...and we'll also explore what it feels like in the body when we are not feeling free.

There are also opportunities to share your experiences, if you choose. And the class ends with relaxation and integration.


During the pandemic I began my training to teach Qoya, and since early 2022 have been fully certified to teach. I am grateful to continue experiencing this practice with Rochelle Schieck, and with teachers and practitioners of Qoya around the world. You might be one of them! Please join me for a class sometime.


please send me an email and I'll add you to the invitation list. [email protected].

Check out Rochelle's website to discover more about Qoya: www.qoya.love

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